[b][/b] - Bold

[i][/i] - Italics

[u][/u] - Underline

[s][/s] Strike-through

[size=Xpt][/size]- Change the size of your text, where x is the font size. For example, 16pt.

[hide][/hide] - Contents hidden with a 'Show' button that makes contents visible, useful for spoilers.

[center][/center] - Center-align.

[right][/right] - Right-align.

[quote username]Text [/quote]- Use this to quote another user.

[url=http://yourfavoritewebsite]text[/url] - Text becomes a link to the URL given in the url tag

[img]ImageURL[/img] - Place an image with the URL between the [img]'s 

[youtube]url[/youtube] - Place the address of a youtube video to embed it in your post. 

[mp3=url]mp3 description[/mp3] - The path to the MP3 file goes inside the tag after the =

[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] - Place a table, with rows and cells.

[code][/code] - Place code between the tags.

[code ruby][/code] - Place Ruby (or RGSS/2 code) between the tags